[HDR Soft Photomatix Pro Ver. 3.2.9 (2010.05.18. 업데이트 시험 버전)]



1. 프로그램 정보




Photomatix Pro is a stand-alone program that creates and processes HDR (High Dynamic Range) images, and runs on Mac OS X and Windows.




A free Lightroom Plug-in makes it possible to access the program directly from Lightroom, if desired.




Some of the features of Photomatix Pro are also available as a Filter Plug-in of Photoshop CS2 or higher and an Edit Plug-in of Aperture 2 or








One license for Photomatix Pro costs US$99 and one license for Photomatix Light US$39.




Standalone application.




Merges bracketed exposures into one image with details in both highlights and shadows :





① HDR image creation and Tone Mapping





② Exposure fusion





③ Automatic alignment of hand-held photos





④ Options for reduction of ghosting, noise and chromatic aberrations in HDR images





⑤ Automation with powerful Batch Processing





⑥ Lightroom plugin




When used in trial mode, Photomatix Pro is fully functional and never expires, but adds a watermark to images produced with one of the two




Tone Mapping methods and 3 of the 5 exposure fusion modes.




If you have ever photographed a high contrast scene, you know that even the best exposure will typically have blown out highlights and flat








Photomatix offers two ways to solve this problem :




HDR Tone Mapping : Reveal highlight and shadow details in an HDR image created from multiple exposures.




Exposure Fusion : Merge differently exposed photographs into one image with increased dynamic range.



2. 다운로드





 2010년 5월 18일




 Windows 98 / Windows ME / Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7



32Bit 전용(3.3MB)

64Bit 전용(3.7MB)

테스트용 이미지 (3가지 종류 이미지 제공)

Free Trial

Licensing costs US$99






 Note: Only works on 64Bit Windows OS.



3. 작업 결과




Tone Mapping after creating HDR image from Exposures


  Result after tone mapping the HDR image created from

  the 5 panoramas on the left





Exposure Fusion/Blending of bracketed photos


  Result after fusing the 3 left photos with "H&S - Auto".

  From top to bottom, exposure times are 1/2, 2 and 8 sec.











4. Quick Tutorial of Photomatix Pro




This tutorial is for the Windows version of Photomatix Pro.




Photomatix Pro Tutorial : The Basics

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a High Dynamic Range (HDR) image using

three photographs of the same scene taken under different exposures, and how to

process the HDR image in order to reveal its details in highlights and shadows.


HDR images contain more detail in bright and dark areas than ordinary images.

However, because of its large dynamic range, an HDR image does not look "correct"

when displayed on your monitor. With Photomatix, you can process this HDR image

for output on a printer or for display on a monitor. HDR image creation starts with

taking photos of a High Dynamic Range scene as detailed in Step 1


Note : Photomatix allows you to create a pseudo-HDR image from a single RAW file, but the correct way to create an HDR image is with

            photographs taken with different exposures.

            This tutorial only covers HDR processing with multiple exposures.





Step 1: Taking photos of an HDR scene

To create the best HDR images, you need to take enough exposures to

properly cover the dynamic range of the scene.


If your camera offers Auto-Exposure Bracketing (AEB), select the Continuous

Shooting mode, make sure the camera is set to Aperture Priority, and select

an exposure increment of +/-2. The camera will automatically vary the shutter

speed each time the shutter button is pressed, taking several exposures

spaced by two-stop increments.


You may have to change the exposures manually if your camera does not

bracket in steps greater than 1, or if it can only take 3 auto-bracketed frames

when the dynamic range of the scene requires 5 or more.


Photomatix enables you to align images if the camera moved slightly between

frames, but using a tripod is still recommended.


In Step 2, we will load the images into Photomatix. 











Step 2: Load your bracketed photos

The easiest way to load your differently exposed photos is to select

the files with Windows Explorer and drag them together to Photomatix Pro.


You will then get a dialog asking you what you would like to do with the

dragged files.

Select Generate an HDR image and click on OK.


The next dialog lists the files selected. If necessary, you can remove files

or select others.


You can also directly access the dialog to select source images by

either clicking on the Create HDR image button on the Workflow Shortcuts

panel, or going to the Process menu and clicking on Generate HDR.

















Step 3: Generate the HDR image

The next window lets you specify options for creating the HDR image.


The three photos of the Grand Canal were taken using a tripod, but we still check the

Align source images option to correct for small alignment problems that may happen

even with a tripod.

For hand-held images, it would have been worth trying the other alignment method

"By matching features".


Click on OK.


Photomatix will now merge your differently exposed photographs into a single HDR image

that represents the complete tonal range captured by the photos.


Note : While the pixel values of your source images are discrete values in a finite range

            such as 0-255 or 0-65535, the pixel values of the HDR image are in floating point

            representation in order to properly represent the complete range from deep

            shadows to bright highlights.














Step 4: Prepare the HDR image for output

The generated HDR image looks disappointing...

This is because it can't be represented properly on screen without further



An unprocessed HDR image is in a way similar to a film negative, or the RAW

file of a digital camera.

It needs further processing for display or printing.

In Photomatix, this processing is called Tone Mapping.


Tone mapping reveals the details in highlights and shadows contained in

the original HDR image.

It converts the HDR image in 32 bits/channel mode into an image in 16 or 8

bits/channel mode that can be saved as TIFF or JPEG.


To tone map your HDR image, click on the Tone Mapping button on the HDR

viewer window.


Note : Before processing through Tone Mapping, you may want to save the HDR image using the Save As from the File menu.

           This allows you to process the same HDR image in different ways later on.






Step 4: Tone Mapping

The Tone Mapping Preview and Settings dialogs open in separate windows.


The Tone Mapping Settings dialog on the left lets you adjust the settings

and select the tone mapping method : the first tab is for the Details Enhancer

method, the second tab for the Tone Compressor method.


The buttons in the bottom frame let you undo or redo settings, restore the

default settings, and load and save presets.


The Tone Mapping Preview on the right shows a preview of the final tone

mapped image.

You can adjust the preview size using the radio buttons on top.


It is important to note that the preview is only an approximation -- the final

result may slightly differ in the case of the Details Enhancer tone mapping







Step 4: Tone Mapping (continued)

Use the controls on the Tone Mapping Settings palette to adjust the tone

mapped image to your liking.


Try both tone mapping methods with your image : The Details Enhancer

method increases local contrast, which has the effect of boosting shadows

and may create a painterly effect.

The Tone Compressor method produces a more "photographic" look.


For a detailed tutorial on using the settings, please refer to the video tutorial

on Tone Mapping.


Once you are satisfied with the tone mapping method and settings, click on

the Process button.


The final tone mapped image is in 16 bits/channel mode.

When you save the image, you can choose to save it as 8-bit JPEG,

if desired.

Saving as 16-bit TIFF is recommended for further processing.






Exposure Fusion


Exposure Fusion is another way to process your bracketed



It is simpler than HDR tone mapping, and produce more

natural-looking results.


Additionally, fusing exposures has the advantage of reducing



To use Exposure Fusion, drag-and-drop your bracketed photos

to the Photomatix icon, but this time select Fuse exposures.


On the Selecting source images window, check the Align source

images if your photos are hand-held, and click on OK.



Photomatix will combine your photos and show you a preview of the final combined image. 






Exposure Fusion (continued)

A preview of the fused image shows on the right.


Clicking on the preview brings up a Loupe that shows a crop of the final

image at 100% resolution.


The controls on the left let you change the fusion method and adjust the

settings when applicable.


The Average method is a simple average of the source photos.


All other fusion methods are set to favor the best exposed photos depending

on the area considered.


Once you are satisfied with the fusion method and settings, click on the

Process button.


The final fused image has the same bit-depth as the source images

-- 16 bits/channel if your source images were 16-bit or RAW files, and

8 bits/channel if they were JPEGs.




여기까지가 제작사의 홈페이지를 통해 배포하는 Tutorial의 내용을 그대로 인용한 것입니다.



5. 설치 방법




아래 설치는 Microsoft Windows XP Professional K Version 2002 Service Pack 3의 32Bit 운영체제 환경에서 설치되기 때문에 차후 설치하는 환경에서




설치되는 설치 화면이므로 직접 설치시에 나타나는 화면을 기준으로 하여 본 설치 순서를 참고하여 진행을 하시기 바랍니다.




① 다운로드 받은 Photomatix Pro Ver. 3.2.9 (32Bit).exe를 실행합니다.




    64비트 운영체제인 경우에는 Photomatix Pro Ver. 3.2.9 (32Bit).exe를 다운로드 받아서 실행을 하시면 됩니다.








② 파일 경고 창이 뜨는 경우에는 예를 선택하여 설치를 진행합니다.








③ Welcom to the Phtomatix Pro Setup Wizard 창이 뜨면 하단에 있는 Next >를 클릭합니다.








④ Select Destination Location 창이 뜨면 다른 변경 없이 하단에 있는 Next >를 클릭합니다.








⑤ Select Start Menu Folder 창이 뜨면 다른 변경 없이 하단에 있는 Next >를 클릭합니다.








⑥ Select Additional Tasks 창이 뜨면




    Adobe사의 Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3이 설치되어 있으면 화면과 같이 체크 표시를 해 주면 외부 Plug-in Tool을 설치하여 사용 할 수 있으며




    설치가 되어 있지 않으면 기본적으로 체크가 되어 있지 않는 상태로 하여 하단에 있는 Next >를 클릭합니다.








⑦ Ready to Install 창이 뜨면 하단에 있는 Install >을 클릭합니다.








⑧ Installing 창이 뜨면 설치가 완료될 때까지 기다려 줍니다.








⑨ Completing the Phtomatix Pro Setup Wizard 창이 뜨면 다른 변경 없이 하단에 있는 Finish를 클릭합니다.








⑩ Photomatix Pro Ver. 3.2.9 (32Bit) 프로그램 창이 뜨면 원하는 HDR 작업을 할 수 있습니다.











Posted by 가람수풀(ヤメ先生)™


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