[영문판] LucisArt 3 ED and LucisArt 3 SE Effects & Features




32Bit 용



64Bit 용




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LucisArt 3 ED/SE Software Installation Instructions.



  01. IMPORTANT : Photoshop CS3 is 32-bit software.



       So even if you have Photoshop CS3 installed on a 64-bit Windows XP or Vista computer you must download and install the 32-bit version of


       the LucisArt 3 ED/SE.


  02. IMPORTANT : On a 64-bit windows XP or Vista computer, Photoshop CS4 can either be installed as 32-bit software or 64-bit software.


       Please install the version of the demo LucisArt 3 ED/SE that matches with the version of Photoshop CS4.


  03. Click here to download the 32-bit Windows LucisArt 3 ED/SE file (LucisArt3(32Bit).exe).



  04. Click here to download the 64-bit Windows LucisArt 3 ED/SE file (LucisArt3(64Bit).exe).



  05. Save it to the desktop or another convenience location.



  06. Double click on the .zip file to open Win Zip or equivalent .zip extracting software.


       Select Setup.exe and Choose Extract.

       The Extract UI opens.

       Navigate to where you would like Setup.exe to be saved.

       Select Extract.

     Close the window.


  07. Navigate to the setup.exe file and double click it to start the installation.



  08. An Open File Security Warning will be displayed.


        Select Run.

        Then answer "yes" that you wish to install LucisArt 3 ED / SE demo software.

         (If you are installing on Windows Vista, select “Allow” in the user authentication dialog.)


  09. The Welcome screen will be displayed. Click the Next button.



  10. The End User License Agreement screen will be displayed.



  11. Read the End User License Agreement carefully.


      Indicate your acceptance of the End User License Agreement by checking the "I accept the terms…." check box and then click the Next button.

      If you do not accept the terms of the End User License Agreement, do not install the LucisArt 3 ED / SE Demo software.


  12. The Choose Host Applications screen will be displayed.


        Select each application in which you would like to use the LucisArt software and click the Add button.

      If your application is not displayed in the list, select the “Other…” option.

      Click the Next button.


  13. If you selected the “Other…” entry on the previous screen, the Destination Folder screen will be displayed.


      Enter the path to your application’s filters folder (which is under the plug-ins folder) and click the Next button.


  14. The Ready to Install page will be displayed. Click the Install button.



  15. Once installation is complete, the Installation Finished screen will be displayed.


      Click the Finish button.

      LucisArt 3 ED and Demo LucisArt 3 SE are ready to use.





LucisArt Features: LucisArt 3 ED enhances detail.

LucisArt 3 SE has the special effects Winslow, Sculpture and Plaid 1-3.

The LucisArt image is on the left and the original image is on the right.



                LucisArt 3 ED- Progressively reveals image detail throughout the image- in the dark, light and mid-range contrast areas.
                                               Repair exposure for underexposed images.

                LucisArt 3 ED- Progressively reveals even finer image detail.
                                               Create DHR effects from a single image.

                LucisArt 3 SE- Winslow - Progressively smooth image detail to create a watercolor effect where the degree of smoothing varies
                                                                  as the image’s textures and features vary.
                                                                  Grass smoothes differently than bricks which smooth differently than clouds which smooth differently
                                                                  than trees etc. Winslow never creates a watercolor effect with an inherent pattern.

                LucisArt 3 SE- Sculpture - Enhance contrast patterns within the image, a combination of enhancing features and smoothing
                                                                     image detail.

                LucisArt 3 SE- Plaid 1-3 : Enhance contrast patterns in a similar fashion to the special effect Sculpture but with radial artifacts
                                                                   that add texture to the image.
                                                                   Plaid 1 has the strongest radial lines and they occur at 90° angles from image features.
                                                                   Plaid 2 has fainter radial lines at 45°angles from image features.
                                                                   Plaid 3 has even fainter radial lines and they occur at 22.5° angles from image features.

                Both LucisArt 3 ED and LucisArt 3 SE- Mix: The Mix slider lets you dilute the LucisArt processing by adding a percentage of
                                                                                                  the original image to the LucisArt image.
                                                                                                  Mixing lets you make the LucisArt effects as dramatic or subtle as you prefer.
                                                                                                  Mixing an extremely detailed (even noisy) LucisArt 3 ED image with a large
                                                                                                  percentage of the original image can create an antique look.
                                                                                                 The Mix image example was create d by making a very detailed image using
                                                                                                  LucisArt 3 ED and then setting the Mix slider to  20 (which means mixing in 80% of
                                                                                                  the original image).






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Posted by 가람수풀(ヤメ先生)™


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